The HV CoIIN believes that every caregiver adds value when they have an equal opportunity to share and leverage their strengths and gifts toward change efforts. Families are integral to CQI efforts as it recognizes that innovative solutions stem from lived experiences and can address root causes of a problem. At the heart of our work, we strive to partner with caregivers to co-create solutions that can accelerate outcomes.
In partnership with our expert Family Leadership Coaches, the HV CoIIN created a Family Leadership Toolkit to support home visiting programs to improve their capacity and infrastructure to successfully incorporate family leadership at both the state and local levels. This toolkit helps programs clarify the process and guide teams in building the needed infrastructure to welcome families as leaders.
This toolkit outlines a five-stage continuum for engaging caregivers in CQI. These stages offer opportunities for CQI teams to build and sustain family leadership in their CQI initiatives. The continuum ranges from early readiness to partner in CQI to long-term strategies for bolstering the infrastructure and team functioning needed for family leadership to continue to flourish as part of day-to-day operations.
The HV CoIIN also developed the “Building Blocks for Family Leadership in CQI Team Assessment” to help teams assess their current level of family leadership and what needs to be in place to progress along the continuum.
These valuable resources are now available below to all home visiting programs*.