The Home Visiting Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network (HV CoIIN) brings together Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program awardees and local implementing agencies (LIAs) to develop, test, and implement strategies, or “changes,” in priority topic areas in maternal and child health. Well-tested strategies are then packaged into topic-specific playbooks and scaled to home visiting agencies across the country with the goal of improving outcomes for children and their families.
Lead the Change is the HV CoIIN’s scale initiative. This means that MIECHV awardees and LIAs who participate in Lead the Change are building on the successes and lessons learned of previous cohorts by adapting strategies and utilizing resources outlined in the playbook of their selected topic area.
As of 2024, the HV CoIIN offers scalable playbooks in the following topic areas: Breastfeeding, Caregiver Depression, Developmental Promotion, Intimate Partner Violence, Staff Recruitment & Retention, and Well-Child Visits.