Mission Statement
The Home Visiting Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network (HV CoIIN) builds capacity for continuous quality improvement (CQI) among awardees of the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program and local implementing agencies (LIAs), to unleash the potential of home visiting and realize large-scale improvements in family outcomes in these ways:
- Providing group and individualized coaching in CQI practices, as well as their application to priority maternal and child health topics
- Building infrastructure for and facilitating peer-networked learning
- Empowering home visiting programs to engage families as leaders of this work

HV CoIIN 3.0 Aim Statement
To build a movement of learners and improvers to transform maternal and child health outcomes for families in home visiting by engaging 30 MIECHV awardees and 300 local implementing agencies to scale improvements and meet shared aims in identified topics by 2027.