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Developmental Promotion

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  • General Resource
  • HV CoIIN 2.0 General Fact Sheet

  • General Resource
  • Fact Sheet: Developmental Promotion, Early Detection, and Linkage to Services

    This fact sheet outlines the importance of investing in early detection and timely linkage to services and how they can positively impact developmental and behavioral concerns. It highlights how HV CoIIN is partnering with New Jersey and their local implementing agencies scaling improvements in the previously tested topic area of developmental promotion, early detection, and linkage to services.

  • General Resource
  • Fact Sheet: Scaling Tested Improvement

    This fact sheet outlines what it means to “scale improvements” and what is needed to do so successfully. It demonstrates how HV CoIIN 2.0 builds on the success of HV CoIIN 1.0 and to support states lead large-scale improvements in home visiting services.

  • General Resource
  • Scaling Home Visiting Improvements Through Continuous Quality Improvement

    Successes and Lessons from HV CoIIN 2.0’s First Scale Cohort

  • General Resource
  • HV CoIIN 1.0 General Fact Sheet

    HV CoIIN 1.0 laid the groundwork for HV CoIIN 2.0 and developed the necessary resources and conditions for subsequent spread and scale efforts. This fact sheet details the origins of HV CoIIN, outcomes, and lessons learned.

  • General Resource
  • HV CoIIN at a Glance

    This infographic and fact sheet provides a high-level overview of HV CoIIN 1.0 and 2.0 and our outcomes from 2013 to 2022.

  • General Resource
  • Resources for Website Launch

    On December 1, 2023, the HV CoIIN launched its new and improved website! If you are a returning user, reset your password following the instructions linked below. If you are a new user, email to request an account.