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Where We’ve Been

What is a CoIIN?

CoIIN stands for Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network. It is where teams identify a common aim, share information, and use QI processes to improve outcomes.

What are the Origins of HV CoIIN?

Across the country, high-quality home visiting programs offer vital support to caregivers. Home visiting takes a two-generation approach, addressing the needs of caregivers and children to improve outcomes for the whole family.

Since 2013, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), through a cooperative agreement with Education Development Center (EDC), Inc., has implemented CoIINs, using the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s Breakthrough Series (BTS) Collaborative to accelerate improvements in select process and outcome measures for children and families within the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program.

What has happened since 2013?

HV CoIIN 1.0 (September 2013–August 2017) demonstrated that the BTS model can be used in home visiting to improve outcomes and to develop the necessary resources and conditions for subsequent scale efforts. In 2013, we piloted ideas in caregiver depression; exclusive breastfeeding; developmental promotion, early detection, and early intervention; and family engagement with 84 teams of local home visiting service agencies across 12 states and one tribe. Our goal was to test topic theories in a diversity of contexts/settings, learning how the interventions needed to be adapted to achieve the aims we set in different contexts.

HV CoIIN 2.0 (September 2017–August 2022), we continued to use this model to scale—expanding the CQI work to additional locations to learn about growth barriers at the awardee and LIA levels. In HV CoIIN 2.0, we catalyzed the use of CQI to strengthen services and promote parent leadership within the MIECHV Program.

HV CoIIN 3.0 (September 2022–August 2027) is the latest iteration of the HV CoIIN and is poised to expand our reach to more agencies and to more families.

HV CoIIN 1.0

launched the first national home visiting initiative using the Breakthrough Series (BTS) with awardees and local home visiting agencies to improve outcomes and to develop the resources and conditions for further scale efforts.

HV CoIIN 2.0

built on the success of HV CoIIN 1.0 by spreading improvements in previously tested topics and continuing to test in New Topic areas to ready for scale.

HV CoIIN 3.0

will engage 30 awardees and 300 LIAs across three cohorts in its Scale efforts and in two New Topic CoIINs. With health equity and families as leaders in CQI as the cornerstone of our work, HV CoIIN 3.0 seeks to continue to grow and expand across more communities, successfully testing, refining, and scaling improvements in home visiting practices.

Meet Our Team

The Health Resources and Services Administration and Education Development Center (EDC), together with multiple experts, support awardees and local home visiting agencies in building capacity for quality improvement, closing the gap in specific topic areas that are ripe for improvement, and scaling tested interventions across a diverse group of home visiting programs.