HV CoIIN 1.0 (2013-2017) launched the first national home visiting initiative using the Breakthrough Series (BTS) with awardees and local home visiting agencies to improve outcomes and to develop the resources and conditions for further scale efforts.
HV CoIIN 2.0 (2017-2022) built on the success of HV CoIIN 1.0 by spreading improvements in previously tested topics and continuing to test in New Topic areas to ready for scale.
HV CoIIN 3.0 (2022 – 2027) will engage 30 awardees and 300 LIAs across three cohorts in its Scale efforts and in two New Topic CoIINs. With health equity and families as leaders in CQI as the cornerstone of our work, HV CoIIN 3.0 seeks to continue to grow and expand across more communities, successfully testing, refining, and scaling improvements in home visiting practices.